November 2022 Events for Myth Lovers
Milo Winter's 1914 illustration for The Arabian Nights Entertainments is in the public domain. "Pumpkin Spice Hostess Cupcakes, 10/2015, by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Pumpkin #Spice #PumpkinSpice #Hostess #Cupcakes" by JeepersMedia is licensed under CC BY 2.0 "509307017DH00032_TechCrunch" by TechCrunch is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Virtual Events
November 1 is the first lecture in a five-part series about Virgil’s Aeneid.
On November 4, take a beginning class in how to draw comics online.
On November 6, the authors of “Aramus” will talk about the process of creating an archaeological comic book.
On November 6, learn how Egyptians contemplated the sky as an iron container of water, pieces of which fell to the earth in the shape of meteors and were used to produce ritual objects. Indications are that the relation between birth, afterlife, and iron existed even before the earliest religious texts in Egypt.
On November 7, learn about women in the cult of the goddess Isis.
November 14-28, take a three part online seminar in which you will “learn to play ancient games while exploring the history, mythology, and psychology behind them.”
On November 26, children or teens can take a free online course in Latin.
On November 26, learn about the mythology and history of the Jinn.
Whenever you want, listen to the free audiobook sample of The Book of Gothel by Mary McMyne, a retelling of Rapunzel from the witch’s perspective.
Gustav Klimt’s painting The Kiss is in the public domain.
New York City Events
From now until January 8, you can watch a light show that includes magical creatures on Staten Island or the Queens County Farm.
On November 1, listen to ghost stories by a fire at Barrow’s Tasting Room.
On November 5, there will be a surreal art exhibition at the Marriott Marquis.
On November 5, Stephen Policoff, author of Dangerous Blues, & Kathleen Donohoe , author of Ghosts of the Missing discuss love, death, and the supernatural over brunch in Park Slope. $47 for brunch, books and unlimited mimosas.
On any Saturday this month, watch an immersive, theatrical experience highlighting the stories of each moon goddess through circus based acts and multisensory interactive installation.
On various dates throughout the month you can have an immersive experience based on Harry Potter in the magical forest of Westchester.
On various dates throughout the month you can watch Cocktail Magique by Company IV, a vaudeville-esque show that includes art forms ranging from burlesque to opera, magic acts involving drinks, and more. The show unfolds around the audience, who can take part in the culinary fun.
All month on Fridays-Sundays through November 13, take an outdoor tour on the grounds of Washington Irving’s estate in Sleepy Hollow and go on a literature-themed scavenger hunt.
All month through November 20, meander through an 18th-century landscape and discover more than 7,000 illuminated jack o’ lanterns. made to resemble mythical creatures.
On November 24 you can watch a gigantic, air-filled Spongebob Squarepants and other familiar characters floating through the air in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, either in person or on NBC.
On any day other than Monday or Tuesday, you can pretend to have a more interesting life by participating in an interactive experience that puts you in the center of a Stranger Things story.
You can go see The Fans Strike Back, an exhibition featuring more than 600 official items from the Star Wars Universe.
Explore the life and works of the surrealist artist Magritte in a new virtual reality exhibition.
Participate in the immersive theater experience Sleep No More, which portrays Shakespeare’s classic Scottish tragedy through the lens of suspenseful film noir. Tickets are available any night other than Tuesday.
Go to Gotham City, where top scientists are missing and Batman and Batgirl need new recruits. Gather intelligence, dodge lasers and communicate with some Gotham City characters in an interactive experience.
Any day you want you can go to Beetle House, a restaurant that takes inspiration from Tim Burton, Alfred Hitchcock, Bram Stoker, Washington Irving, Edgar Allen Poe and many more. The menu includes, Blood Bags, Hautned Lemonade, Bio-Exorcism’s, among other things. Dining in only, which adds a new COVID element to the scare show.
Check out the dragons, kings, pirate ships, Merlin’s flying machines and other spectacles at the new Legoland in Goshen, New York.
Get Butter Beer at the new Harry Potter-themed store and bar at 935 Broadway near the Flatiron Building.
Miss going to the movies? Watch a socially distanced one outside with your friends at Sidewalk Cinema on Thames Street in Brooklyn.
Check out the images of buddhas, bodhisattvas, tantric deities, protectors and more at the Rubin Museum’s Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room.
U.S. Events
"Myth.Slide1.16" by c.a.francese is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
From June 23 through January 8, there will be a multimedia art exhibit in Nashville that retells the story of The Odyssey..
World Events
From November 11-13, MCM Comic Con Birmingham 2022 takes place in the United Kingdom.
Recurring Virtual Events
Every year in the secret realm of Bunnyville, magical creatures from around the world gather for their annual summit. This is supposed to be a time to reconnect with old and new friends, but this year someone (or some creature!) has stolen the Easter Bunny’s magical golden egg! Kids and adults can both enjoy this enchanted game featuring creatures like fairies, dragons, mermaids, and of course the Easter Bunny!
If you would rather be in France right now, view a selection of thematically-themed works from the Louvre online, including the ones in the Sully Wing, which includes major works of Greek and Egyptian art such as the Venus de Milo.
Take an online course with Stanford research scholar Adrienne Mayor in which you will “uncover the natural origins of stories about dragons. . .; ponder whether the Amazon horsewomen-archers of myth existed; consider the dilemmas of using poison weapons in myth and ancient historical times; and marvel at robots and other science fiction tales from the time of Homer.” $120.
Take an online mini-course about Rome, seeing how it exists not only in brick and mortar, but also in the realm of ideas, and through the eyes of locals and visitors. Topics will include Rome’s urban and architectural development, as well as its representation in maps and artworks from across the city’s exceptionally long lifetime. $99.
The NY Mythology Group, which is associated with the Joseph Campbell Foundation, holds presentations and discussions about mythology related topics ranging from the Greek goddess Hecate to Carl Jung. Their events usually take place on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm EDT, and have been online since the pandemic started.
BSFW, or Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers, meetings take place mostly online currently, but pre-pandemic were in the homes of writers mostly in Brooklyn but also on occasion Manhattan or Queens. Check out their calendar on meetup to attend their numerous writing workshops, social gatherings, meetings with editors/agents/authors, book clubs, and more. The group includes many published writers and has its own audio fiction magazine, Kaleidocast. If you post about your fetish for Olympian gods on their Facebook group feed, they (probably) won’t judge.
EREWHON BOOKS, a publisher focusing on novel-length works of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, and related genres, holds readings usually on the second Thursday each month virtually for now and in a pre-apocalypse world at its high ceilinged office of many windows in Manhattan.
Fantastic Fiction at KGB is a monthly speculative-fiction reading series held on the third Wednesday of every month virtually for now, and in a pre-apocalypse world at KGB Bar in Manhattan. Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel host the event. As one might expect from a communism-themed bar, admission is free.
The NYC Greek Myth & Classical Lit Meetup meets every third Thursday of the month at the Cloister Cafe in the East Village to discuss the work of mostly long dead authors (e.g. Aristophanes, Dante.) The group has existed for more than a decade, so the long-term participants have already earned their unofficial classics PhD’s, and we already know that anybody who would do this for fun is as hip as a person can get.
Marcantonio Raimondi’s “A Bacchanal”. CC01.0 Public domain.